Here at Happy Helpers HTX, we are dedicated to creating a positive impact on every person who discovers our community and our mission. We work tirelessly to create fair and equal opportunities for all of our clients and students by providing them with the outstanding educative tools, resources, and connections they need in order to thrive and achieve success. By joining our team, you will create a long-lasting impact on the lives of many individuals who are in the process of working towards
gaining a quality education. In
return for joining our team, you will gain rich experience and strong connections, which will help move you forward in your career or journey.
Volunteer Positions:
Currently, we have 5 available positions.
- Graphic Designer
- ESL Teacher
- ESL + French Tutors
- Technology Mentor
- Business Consultant
Currently, we have 3 available positions.
- Outreach Intern
- Marketing Intern
- Business Development Intern